spring forward

Posted: Mar 6, 2009 | Posted by meganveit | Labels: , , ,

I have been alone in my house for approximately 2.5 hours. In that time I have:
done the dishes
•cleaned the bathroom
•made Jill the Guinea Pig feel at home
•cleaned out the fridge
•packed for St. Louis (most of the weight coming from books for my thesis and blueberry pancake mix)
•read about the cruel treatment of animals in slaughterhouses and thought about how my friends' farms are misrepresented
•eaten a spoonful of peanut butter
•started laundry
•thought someone was breaking into my house 4 times

I have a tickle in my throat and cannot stop coughing. It makes it near impossible to type, really. My fingers shake on the keys like they've had too much coffee. Pieces of lung tear, and I choke on water.

I assaulted my abs with 10 Minute Boot Camp--the section cleverly called "Ab Assault"-- and feel good about it. Ready for another spoonful of peanut butter.

I blame Rachel. I have an obsession with all-natural peanut butter and will consume at least one jar a week. (I suggest Krema It would be more if I knew that I could make it to the store for more. To limit this over-consumption, I have stopped buying it. I was eating a serving of almonds instead, getting the Omega-3's and protein in normal proportions. Then Rachel decides to get organic raspberry jelly and Smuckers all-natural peanut butter. Which I eat. The peanut butter, not the jelly. She will read this and accuse me of eating more than I did. It was only a spoonful.

But I saw what was happening. I was getting sucked back to the fridge, to stare at the jar and wish it was still full. The level had fallen too low--any scoop I took with finger or spoon would be noticable. So I bought a jar yesterday. It is 1/4 gone.

I can't promise that my other roommate's Breyers All-Natural Black Raspberry with raspberry swirls and chocolate chunks will make it through the night, either. This is her own fault. She switched to the carton of vanilla. The raspberry is just full enough. If I scrape the spoon around the edges, taking tiny bits with each pass...


  1. rachel said...
  2. there is no way i could ever take credit for your peanut butter obsession. and i'm not saying anyone specifically ate it all, but i know i did not eat the whole bottle in less than a week.

    and that mixed with the raspberry preserves makes the best toast in the world.

  3. meganveit said...
  4. what's wrong with eating a whole jar in less than a week? please make me stop buying the good kind. I need some Skippy, so it'll hang around a while. aka forever because it's gross.

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