44/90, saving a few minutes

Posted: Mar 17, 2010 | Posted by meganveit | Labels: ,

Our professor advised us to get to class right on time, because our exam, spanning the whole text, would take the entire class. He said he would stay after if we needed it.

I wasn't sure what to do when I finished in 20 minutes. There was a question on each page, and I'd left an entire page blank, which felt like it alone could fail me. I took some time to label my answers: a check for each sure answer, a ~ for each I felt okay about and nothing for the blank page. Four checks and six ~.

It wasn't that I didn't try, and I analyzed what it would mean to my classmates to turn it in early, then analyzed what the professor would think and how his thoughts would change when he graded it. I turned it in and chose not to think about it.

Now, I'm home. I arrived 45 minutes earlier than expected and gave the time to myself. While I ate a pita and hummus, I watched a video of seven English school kids hanging out, putting mints in their mouths until they threw up. I drank a glass of water and checked my e-mail. I decided to blog.

Today, I didn't ace an exam. I didn't do a complete yoga session this morning, only my morning warm up. I didn't work on research papers or a group project.

I did turn my thesis in at the Honors College, changing an incomplete to a CREDIT, a "you can't graduate" to a "you're an alumnus."

I did buy my cap and gown and learn that I could recycle them immediately following the ceremony. I spent $20 less on this than anticipated, which is good because

I did buy the sheet music we needed for the wedding, from the only American location I could find. The total was a bit painful, but we're saving on everything else... right?

I did eat a cupcake (well, the icing) and two cookies at work. I did decide that I would wait until after I graduate to stress about fitting into my wedding dress, and for now I'll take the free food I can get.


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