79/90, links & changes

Posted: Apr 25, 2010 | Posted by meganveit | Labels: , ,

So, the bigger post for today is over at the other blog.

I'm getting excited for the summer, and I've been thinking about how I want to handle this blog. This blog has gradually been spinning out of control, capturing the tumultuous emotions of this last semester. I'm trying to get that under control.

Over the summer, my "real" writing, the real creative nonfiction, will be taking place in my journal again, which has been abandoned this semester to save myself and my poor journal from the writing out all of my negativity.

That means I have to figure out how this blog is going to function, and this is what I've been developing: A real blog, with a distinct look that I'm going to design myself, from new headers for posts to a logo to fun links. I want to learn a lot more about my passions, and I want to share my passions with others, so I'm looking at a lineup something like this:

Mondays: what's happening in creative nonfiction
Wednesdays: what's happening with PR firms and their big shift away from "traditional" PR (press releases and the like)
Friday: me, fumbling around learning how to play with cameras

+ a special bonus feature somewhere in there somewhere that's my own writing-writing as I start working toward some publications.

I'd love to hear what you think, since this is obviously all for you.


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